Women introduced to Hillsdale fitness options At Sun Up, Rise Up – Hillsdale Collegian

Female stu­dents learned about the ben­efits of physical fitness and the wellness classes offered by the college at an event hosted on Sat­urday morning by Sun-Up, Rise-Up, a new program designed for women’s fitness.
The event began with a lecture from Assistant Pro­fessor of Classics Carl Young on the physical and mental ben­efits of strength training: higher bone density, increased muscle mass, and easier birth recovery. His lecture also included lessons in virtues.
 “So why is strength training good for your soul?” Young asked. “For the Greeks and Romans, virtue wasn’t just some­thing you read about in a book. It was some­thing you went out and prac­ticed. You have to find oppor­tu­nities to chal­lenge yourself and cul­tivate virtues through activities.”
To educate stu­dents about the avail­ability of such activ­ities on campus, Christopher Netley, lec­turer in sports studies and Carl Young, assistant pro­fessor of classics, col­lab­o­rated with the deans on event.
Fol­lowing Young’s lecture, stu­dents dis­persed into various groups for tours of the gyms as well as overviews of what times the gyms are open and when fitness classes occur. Many attendees expressed their appre­ci­ation of the tour. 
“I wanted to get into working out again, espe­cially since I’m in college now. It was just nice to see around the facility and overcome the barrier of not knowing what to do,” freshman Abi Laiming recalled. 
Senior Sierra Dil­worth agreed.
Tess Censoni con­firmed the tour dis­pelled her fears regarding the avail­ability of facil­ities, equipment, and classes.
“It’s def­i­nitely intim­i­dating knowing you are going to work out some­where and not know everyone there, so it’s really nice to have an intro­duction,” Censoni said. 
After the tour, women received free instruction in their choice of yoga, cycling, self defense, pilates, or pow­er­lifting. Vol­un­teers dis­tributed protein packs, water, hats, and mugs as the stu­dents dispersed. 
Word of mouth remains the most effective method of com­mu­ni­cating according to sophomore Tatum Linde, and the program hopes to see a spike in gym users as attendees of the class spread the word to their friends. 
Linde said the Ath­letic Department will soon launch a new website which will include detailed infor­mation regarding the classes, times, and activ­ities hap­pening at Hillsdale gyms. 
The ancient Greeks and Romans believed liberal arts could be broken into two parts, music and gym­nastics, Young explained in his lecture. They viewed music as the com­pi­lation of aca­demic interests, while gym­nastics included the pursuit of all ath­letic endeavors. Both were essential to cul­ti­vating virtue, espe­cially courage. 
“It takes courage to stand across the ring from another human being and wrestle them,” Young said. “It takes courage to deadlift 300 pounds because the first thing you’re thinking is that this will snap my spine.” 


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