Gym plans lodged for Royal Liver Building | North West Property News – Insider Media

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In the July issue, Insider talks to Paul Hollick,…
A new gym is proposed for Liverpool's iconic Royal Liver Building as part of a series of refurbishment works to upgrade the landmark.
The grade I-listed building, one of the Three Graces on the Liverpool waterfront, is undergoing internal refurbishment works as part of an ongoing upgrade process.
It aims to make the building more sustainable and to improve the facilities for both tenants and the general public.    
Recent works have included the transformation of the east atrium from a private, tenanted space into a coffee bar and collaborative workspace, an improved reception function, a cycle store and associated shower and changing facilities and a fitness room. 
The latest application seeking listed building consent, which has been submitted to Liverpool City Council, continues this process of improving facilities by the conversion of an underused cafeteria in the lower ground floor to a gym. The facility would be for use by both the tenants of the building and the wider public.
This application is for internal alterations and refurbishment works to the building to facilitate its use as a new gymnasium, including changing and toilet facilities, on part of the lower ground floor.     
A design and access statement prepared by 2M2 Studio said the proposals will create public benefit through bringing a part of the building that has been underutilised back into active use. 
Previous plans for a gym at the building alongside a barber shop and hair salon were approved by Liverpool City Council's planning committee in March 2020. However the pandemic hit and the proposed operator was no longer able to take the proposals forward. 
The latest application represents a “slimmed down” version of the previous scheme with the gym, but does not include a swimming pool and barbers, according to planning documents.
Ben Butler, Digital Staff Writer
T: 0161 907 9743
Adrian Simcox, Sales Director
T: 0161 907 9745
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