Tain gym plan at Easter Ross industrial estate gets the go-ahead – RossShire Journal

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AN empty industrial unit in Tain can be converted into a gym after planners from Highland Council gave the scheme their approval.
Alister Mackintosh, of Ali Mackintosh Personal Training, is hoping to convert the 52 square metre site at Blarliath Industrial Estate.
As well as the new gym the planning permission will also allow him to install signs at the unit.
It was felt by officers that the proposals followed the provisions of the council’s development plan and there were no material reasons for the plan’s refusal.
In the decision notice a council spokesman said: “The Highland Council in exercise of its powers under the above acts grants planning permission for the above development in accordance with the particulars given in the application.”
Permission has been granted subject to one condition – that no development shall begin on site until full details of the proposed signs for the external wall of the unit have been submitted.
The reason given for the move was in order to clarify the terms of the planning permission.
One of the documents states that the applicant has provided additional information to allow the application to be processed – including an additional location plan, a floor plan and also supporting documentation for the signage.
The time limit imposed on the planning permission is that the work must begin within three years of it being granted otherwise it would lapse.


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