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Posted on July 1, 2022 on Graduate Spotlight, Health, Keiser University Flagship, Seahawk Nation, Seahawks
Grateful to his family and friends for their support, and his strong educational foundation, Keiser University alumnus James Huggins is pleased that his Fitness Xpress Mobile Gym vision has come to life.
Sparked during the Covid19 pandemic while working toward his Sports Medicine and Fitness Technology (SMFT) degree and going through a job transition, Huggins shared that the idea seemed to be opportune and that his daughter’s Symia and Symone were a leading motivational factor in the endeavor. “I decided it was the right time to start working on the business and was fortunate to have a good team by my side who helped bring the idea to fruition,” he said of opening the gym in 2019 along with friend and co-owner Shayla Brabham.
“I have always been into fitness and wanted to own a gym but didn’t want it to be a traditional storefront facility. Instead, I wanted to bring convenience to the community by creating a training center on wheels with customized sessions to fit each individual’s needs,” said Huggins, who ended up winning second place for his presentation of the proposal at Keiser University’s campus-wide 2021 Seahawk Tank Pitch Contest. “I was overjoyed by the fact that others thought the idea was fantastic and would benefit the community,” said Huggins a former Seahawk football player.
In addition to sharing his appreciation of long-time friend Shayla Brabham, Huggins also thanks her father Angus Brabham who’d first owned the truck. “Shayla was there from the start and helped with everything, and her dad was a father figure to me growing up,” he said, while also sharing appreciation to professors John Crimmins for his guidance and George Stamas for his leadership of Keiser’s pitch contest.
Keiser University Senior Academic Advisor Heather Bishara admires the perseverance and self-discipline that help Huggins continue to push forward as a US Army Veteran and the first in his family to graduate college. “James has the heart of a leader, as he is respectful and charismatic,” she said. “On graduation day, I got to take a tour of his new training bus. He has done a wonderful job creating the business and is able to train people wherever they are. As an academic advisor we don’t always get to see what’s next for our students but watching James at graduation and knowing that he has used his education, innovation, and passion for entrepreneurship to start his business while still as a student is amazing,” she said.
When asked about his vision for his business and what he’d recommend to others who are nurturing their ideas, Huggins said “In the next three years we plan on expanding by adding more trucks that can further serve Palm Beach County. My advice is that people start journaling their ideas and create a vision board, set goal dates, and then get started. The idea is to stop procrastinating, put in countless hours, invest money, and lastly remember that if we aren’t willing to invest in ourselves, who will?”
Keiser University’s Bachelor of Science degree in Exercise and Sports Science focuses on advanced health and fitness assessment, prescription, and lifestyle modification. The program provides information on health risk factors, exercise leadership, biomechanics of movement, physiological adaptations to exercise, injury prevention, corrective exercise, business management, and ethics in sport.
Keiser University is a private, independent, non-profit university serving nearly 20,000 students at 21 Florida campuses, online, and two international sites. Co-founded in 1977 by Chancellor Arthur Keiser, Ph.D., and Evelyn Keiser, Keiser University currently offers more than 100 degrees from associates to the doctoral level. Keiser University is a designated Hispanic-Serving Institution, a member of the Hispanic Association of Colleges and Universities, and was ranked No. 5 in the U.S. in Social Mobility by U.S. News And World Report in 2022.

Keiser University alumnus James Huggins’ Fitness Xpress Mobile Gym

Keiser University alumnus James Huggins’ Fitness Xpress Mobile Gym

Keiser University alumnus James Huggins at his Fitness Xpress Mobile Gym.
Keiser University alumnus James Huggins’ Fitness Xpress Mobile Gym
Keiser University alumnus James Huggins’ Fitness Xpress Mobile Gym
Keiser University alumnus James Huggins at his Fitness Xpress Mobile Gym.My instructors believed in me. They were more than instructors, they tried to get to know you as a person and tried to understand your goals so they could push you towards them. Student services helped me find a job before I even graduated. Everyone was dedicated to my overall success.
Going to Keiser University was one of the greatest experiences in my life. All of my deans, professors, and staff made me feel that I was a part of something very special, and I am. I would recommend for anyone to get their education at Keiser University.
The instructors at Keiser University impacted my life. They believed in my ability to become a great graphic designer, regardless of how I felt about my skills. KU helped to prepare me for the real world and got me to where I am today.
If not for my education at Keiser I probably would not be where I am today, in both life and career. It is because of going to Keiser and the instructors I had that I joined a club started by Mr. Williams, The Lakeland Shooters Photography Group, which allowed me to venture into an amazing and very creative field that I use to enhance all aspects of my life.
The Design program at Keiser University was filled with real world learning and hands on instruction… Based on the portfolio I created while a student at Keiser University, I landed a job in Graphic Design for a major online retailer immediately after graduation.
The year and a half I spent in the program better prepared me for attaining a job in the field…As a hands-on learner, the project-centered teaching was perfect for me.
Keiser University has given me the opportunity to embrace a career change… It has opened the door for a timely graduation and quick return to the work force…
Without the education I received at Keiser University, I would not be where I am today!
I not only received an excellent education but also encouragement and training that built my self-confidence every day.
I realize the amount of knowledge I gained and feel that the educational experiences have developed me in to a person who can move higher up the career ladder.
Keiser University’s MBA program has renewed my mind, changed the way I think, and given me a new sense of purpose. The professors transformed my attitude and behavior, gave me the self-confidence I was lacking, and restored my energy.
It has been great attending and graduating from Keiser University. Because of the small class sizes, I was able to build good relationships with classmates and professors. The PA professors care very much about the progress and success of the students and have been great advisors every step of the way through the program.
Attending Keiser University and getting my degree was the best decision I have ever made. The small class sizes and personalized attention helped me get my degree quickly. The hands-on experience and the education landed me a job at a neighboring law firm.
I chose Keiser because it had everything—small classes, caring professors, hands-on learning, and counselors that are really there for you. I feel like I’m part of a family here, not just a number.
After being denied for several promotions at my current employer, I decided that I needed to further my education. Since graduating from Keiser with my bachelor’s degree in Business Administration, I have been promoted and I am able to obtain positions that weren’t available to me before.
Beyond the curriculum of the courses, the lessons the instructors have taught me have paid dividends in my real work experiences. How to respond to criticisms, project and time management, interview skills, the list goes on and on. At the end of the day, they not only showed me how to design, but they taught me how to be a professional.
Keiser helped change my life by getting my education at the right school! I had been going to another school before, I dropped out because I felt that I was not getting enough information. When I found out about Keiser, I was pleased because the instructors were great.
My decision to attend Keiser University has been one of the best decisions I’ve made. I chose to enroll in the Information Technology program… The one-class-a-month pace helped incredibly with my self-discipline.
The BA for Business Administration at Keiser has to be one of the best in the nation. Keiser takes the basics that are taught at the Associates level and uses them to strengthen your skills and knowledge.
I found that Keiser University’s Nuclear Medicine program of advanced studies and small class size was a perfect fit. I never came across a faculty member who wasn’t truly interested.
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